- Very Fine England (Great Britain) hammered silver groat or 4 pence coin from the sole reign of Tudor Queen Mary I.
- Certified by NGC to VF Details Bent.
- Spink-2492, approx 24mm, 1.81g.
- Attractive portrait style with clear depiction of her bodice and crown.
- Well centered with sharp legends.
- Mary was the only surviving child of Henry VIII and Queen Catherine (of Aragon, Spain).
- Mary reigned alone from 1553 to 1554 and had a dual reign with Philip II of Spain from 1554 to 1558.
- This coin was issued between 1553 and 1554, legends are in medieval font.
- Obverse: Queen wearing crown and necklace with jewel and pearls on bodice, MARIA DG ANG FRA Z HIB REGI (Maria by the Grace of God England France & Ireland Queen).
- Reverse: Arms of England and France, VERITAS TEMPORIS FILIA (truth is the daughter of time).
- Pedigree: Arrowood Cache.